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Iran humiliates itself

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Posted By: Big Bopper, 4/14/2024 10:52:01 AM

After months of saber-rattling, the “death-to-Israel” crowd in Tehran (an affiliate of the “death-to-America” crowd in Dearborn) finally made good on their threat to attack Israel. The Mullah Maniacs launched something over 300 drones, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles toward Tel Avi. (Notably, none of these aircraft were piloted – even the Iranians are not that stupid.) The Israelis along with Americans, Brits and other allies shot down 99% of them. The other 1% caused hardly any damage. No deaths or even injuries were reported. It turns out the Iranian war machine is at about the level of . . . those sabers they were rattling.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: FleetUSA 4/14/2024 11:13:46 AM (No. 1699195)
Legendary Steeler Coach Chuck Noll said it best with sign in Steeler locker room: When you lose, say little. When you win, say nothing at all.
12 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: jeffkinnh 4/14/2024 12:14:57 PM (No. 1699221)
"Notably, none of these aircraft were piloted" WHAT? None of the Iranian pilots wanted to meet Allah and claim their virgins? Maybe they are all eunuchs? Hey Joe Biden, thanks for releasing billions to Iran to finance this attack. Luckily, the Iranians are now more effective than you are. This a point that should be highlighted.
11 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: jalo1951 4/14/2024 12:32:05 PM (No. 1699234)
All it takes is one nuclear bomb and FJB is giving them all the money they need to work on it. And work on it they will and eventually it will happen.
8 people like this.

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Posted by Big Bopper 4/15/2024 6:11:37 PM Post Reply
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Iran humiliates itself 3 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 4/14/2024 10:52:01 AM Post Reply
After months of saber-rattling, the “death-to-Israel” crowd in Tehran (an affiliate of the “death-to-America” crowd in Dearborn) finally made good on their threat to attack Israel. The Mullah Maniacs launched something over 300 drones, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles toward Tel Avi. (Notably, none of these aircraft were piloted – even the Iranians are not that stupid.) The Israelis along with Americans, Brits and other allies shot down 99% of them. The other 1% caused hardly any damage. No deaths or even injuries were reported. It turns out the Iranian war machine is at about the level of . . . those sabers they were rattling.
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7 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 4/10/2024 1:17:37 PM Post Reply
Now when the radical priest come to get me released We was all on the cover of Newsweek PAUL SIMON, ME AND JULIA Let’s start with a different Pope. Let’s start with the Pope who came of age in Poland while it was enslaved for decades under the Soviet Union after WWII. He’s the Pope who went home after the Sistine Chapel routine to accept the adoration of literally millions of his countrymen. He’s the Pope who helped bring down the tyranny of the Soviets who knew all about military power but nothing about the spiritual kind.
Is Caitlin better than Michael? 9 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 4/3/2024 7:54:34 PM Post Reply
Michael Jordan was arguably the best one-on-one player in history. He was cat-like in his quickness and leaping ability. Mortals can touch the rim. Michael could jump so high his eyes were even with the rim. I suspect he could snatch a dime off the top of the backboard and leave two nickels behind. All that made him nearly unstoppable. And, though often overshadowed by his offensive prowess, those same abilities – along with unrelenting hustle – also made him one of the great defensive players of the game. When your guy is scoring 35 and holding the opponent he’s guarding to 12, you have an unfair advantage.
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schooled on the First Amendment in the
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7 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 3/29/2024 7:30:46 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Big Bopper 3/26/2024 9:59:27 AM Post Reply
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Biden’s pandering to a few terrorist
sympathizers drives away millions of other voters
4 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 3/24/2024 8:03:03 PM Post Reply
In 2020, about five and a half people voted in Michigan. Biden won by about 155,000 votes. Of those five and a half million who voted in Michigan, about 145,000 were Muslim. About 100,000 of them voted for Biden. Those 100,000 Michigan Muslims are now making a stink. They’re unhappy that Biden is permitting Israel to finish the war that Palestinian terrorists started on October 7. They demand that Biden pressure Israel into a cease fire that would leave the terrorists free to murder, rape, behead, burn alive, and terrorize another day – and another year and another decade.
Is capitalizing “Black” the ultimate condescension? 10 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 3/19/2024 8:52:07 PM Post Reply
I capitalize the word “Black” when referring to Black people. Many of my tribe object to that, since I don’t capitalize “white.” Those objections were expressed by readers most recently in reaction to my latest column. Here are my reasons for using “Black” to refer to Blacks, in reverse order of importance. First, the AP Style Manual calls for “Black” to be capitalized. That Manual is not the Bible, but it’s a highly recognized authority in what used to be called journalism. Relax. As I stated, my reasons are presented here in reverse order of importance. The AP Style Manual is the least important one.
Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson says some
foolish things
18 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 3/19/2024 2:15:45 PM Post Reply
The Justices of the Supreme Court make their living with words. They read them, they write them, they speak them, they listen to them, and they rule with them. We currently have a Justice who uses words very poorly. At her confirmation hearing before the Senate, Justice Jackson was asked to give a definition of “woman.” That’s a legitimate question, since many legal matters depend on whether a given person is a woman or a man. Her answer was: “I can’t. Not in this context. I’m not a biologist.”
Will we use reverse discrimination to
“correct” the gender gap the way we
disastrously “corrected” the racial gap?
6 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 3/13/2024 4:49:04 PM Post Reply
A persistent myth is that, for the same job, women in America are paid only 84 cents for every dollar that men are paid. I explain below, first, why that myth is false and, second, why it’s dangerous. There are the several reasons why it’s false. The figures use a category of “full time work” for their comparisons. That’s defined as any work over 35 hours per week. That means a man working 55 hours a week is compared to a woman working 36. So, a man making, say, $30/hour for those 55 hours for a total of $1650/week is deemed to be making $210 more
An AI-generated speech shouted at the
teleprompter by an angry old man on amphetamines
4 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 3/9/2024 10:04:16 AM Post Reply
This week was the ridiculous annual spectacle where the president is supposed to tell us the state of our so-called union, as if we don’t already know. That’s a particularly appropriate topic for the current president who was elected on the promise that he would be a “uniter, not divider” who would bring normalcy and decency back to the office. A few seconds into it, he was implying that the people who currently disfavor his re-election, a cohort comprising over half the country – and especially his “predecessor” whose name must not be spoken – were in league with Vladimir Putin.
The Democrats believe Trump is a witch 8 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 3/6/2024 7:15:20 PM Post Reply
When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing. They then become capable of believing in anything. ÉMILE CAMMAERTS Or maybe they believe he’s a warlock. Unless he has undergone that “gender affirmation” mutilation that they promote for other people’s children. Which I doubt. The ancient notion of witchcraft was an understandable aspect of the pre-Enlightenment inability to understand the connections between natural causes and effects, together with the absence of a scientific method of data-gathering and experimentation to discover those connections.
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Posted by Imright 4/14/2024 1:23:08 AM Post Reply
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27 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 4/15/2024 1:49:55 AM Post Reply
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27 replies
Posted by Imright 4/14/2024 8:28:13 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden is said to be privately fearing a potentially 'catastrophic escalation' as the Israeli government plans a retaliatory attack on Iran. Iran bombarded Israel with hundreds of missiles and drones on Saturday in response to a drone strike in Syria that killed 12 Iranians, including two top generals. The strike marks the first time a direct military assault has been launched by Tehran on Israel - despite decades enmity dating back to the country's 1979 Islamic Revolution. Senior US defense officials have told NBC News that they worry an Israeli response to the attacks would be 'frenetic' and 'catastrophically escalatory'.
ANOTHER ONE: Anti-Israel Protesters Shut
Down Entire Golden Gate Bridge, Backing
Up Traffic for Miles – Police Show Up
in Riot Gear to Confront the Agitators (Video)
26 replies
Posted by Imright 4/15/2024 1:48:58 PM Post Reply
The Gateway Pundit previously reported that pro-Hamas agitators are blocked off a road entering Chicago O’Hare Airport while police are doing nothing, forcing some travelers to ditch their cars and walk to the airport. Now, they have completely shut down the Golden Gate Bridge as police arrive to confront them in riot gear. According to KGO-TV, the protest started Monday morning on Northbound I-880 in Oakland where agitators blocked every single lane. They brought barrels onto the roadway and reportedly chained themselves to the barrels. In the video below, the protesters can be seen holding signs reading “Stop the World for Gaza” and End the Siege on Gaza Now!”
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Posted by Imright 4/14/2024 5:12:41 PM Post Reply
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Posted by DW626 4/15/2024 4:47:08 PM Post Reply
Jury selection was underway on Monday morning for Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s lawfare case against Trump related to ‘hush payments’ made to porn star Stormy Daniels. Last April Trump was hit with 34 felony counts of falsifying business records and conspiracy. Alvin Bragg still hasn’t named the underlying felony after he twisted the law and somehow upgraded the misdemeanor charges that were past the statute of limitations – to felonies. The fix is in.
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23 replies
Posted by mc squared 4/14/2024 7:00:27 PM Post Reply
Just when you thought they couldn't do anything more to make sure energy costs keep rising, we learn now that the Biden administration's Bureau of Land Management plans to lock down half - half of Alaska's National Petroleum Reserve. The 23 million-acre petroleum reserve on the North Slope was set aside as an emergency oil supply, originally for the U.S. Navy, by President Warren Harding.[snip] President Joe Biden is on the verge of locking down half of it, making it unavailable for oil and gas development. He intends to do so with a new rule that is proposed by the Biden Administration
With Strategic Petroleum Reserve at Historic
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Posted by Imright 4/14/2024 11:52:52 AM Post Reply
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20 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 4/14/2024 11:50:07 AM Post Reply
Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) commander, General Hossein Salami, on Sunday applauded the drone and missile attack on Israel, lauding it as more successful than expected before warning against any retaliation from the Jewish state or its allies. Salami’s boast came despite the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) saying it had intercepted the “majority” of the “dozens” of drones and cruise missiles sent to attack Israel, though a few hit targets, including an IDF base, as Breitbart News reported. Overall a swarm of over 300 drones, cruise missiles, and ballistic missiles were used in air assault by Tehran. Israel’s air defense systems were backed by assets from the U.S., U.K., and Jordan
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on Israel 'Within Certain Limits'
19 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/14/2024 2:29:05 PM Post Reply
On Saturday, Iran initiated a barrage of drones and ballistic missiles at Israel. Thankfully, most of them were successfully intercepted, causing minimal damage. Of course, in a stunning move, President Biden is pushing Israel not to retaliate. It's hard to imagine why Biden would do that, except when you consider that Joe Biden has been appeasing Iran since his days as Barack Obama vice president. With that in mind, it's also not surprising—though it's still shocking— that Joe Biden not only had prior knowledge of Iran's assault on Israel but also technically gave it the green light under certain conditions, according to a report from the Jerusalem Post.
The Failure of Biden’s Doctrine of ‘Don’t’ 18 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 4/14/2024 7:21:02 PM Post Reply
The Iranian regime on Saturday launched a massive and unprecedented attack on Israel, firing over 300 projectiles, including drones, cruise missiles, and ballistic missiles, toward the Jewish state. It was the first time that Iran attacked Israel from its own territory, though the attack also relied on its proxies in Lebanon, Syria, and Yemen. Thanks to an impressive joint response from Israel and the U.S. (with help from allies including Jordan), nearly all of the projectiles were intercepted — even over Jerusalem, Israel’s capital. There was minimal damage to an Israeli air base, which remained functional, and sadly a seven-year-old girl from a Bedouin village suffered
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